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  • Writer's pictureEmily Wieland

Weeks in Review: February 1-15

The beginning of the month is when cabin fever set in for the boys (and us all). The amount of pent up energy inside of them was/is bursting at the seems. Thankfully some snow days got them outdoors. I love how our yard/street look in the snow!!

A great thing about older siblings is that I get to send the one-year-old outside with them. Soren LOVES being outdoors more than anything so lots of snow play for him without me having to go out was awesome.

There was also one of those strange warm days in the mix. I opened up one of the tall sun room windows and let them climb in and out of the window and run laps in the yard. They were so giddy about just feeling grass on their bare feet. We're ready for spring.

Valentines Day evening was a special time with our boys. They made their own heart-shaped naan pizzas and we each said things we love about the others as they ate their pizza. It was precious. Devin and I cooked a classic spaghetti carbonara together after the boys were (sort of) in bed. Devin said it was his favorite meal. I enjoyed it but wasn't quite as enthusiastic as him. And of course there was of the few desserts I make.

I love the picture of me with the boys. I have so few of them.

The last noteworthy thing would be my breakfast date with Ira. If there ever was a quality time kid, it's Ira Stephen. The great thing about him is he doesn't always really care what you do, he just wants one-on-one time. Our breakfast came at a good time when I could sense from his behavior that he was needing some extra attention.

He specifically asked to go out for waffles and talked for a few days about "waffles with mom". Then he ordered a pancake. He told me halfway through the breakfast he thought we were at chick-fil-a...classic Ira. Mid-breakfast he leaned across the table and puckered his lips for a kiss. He is so dear and a very articulate almost five-year-old which made breakfast with him very fun.

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